out and about

weekend warriors

Now that I’ve graduated and entered the working world, weekends have suddenly become a precious commodity. Long gone are the days when I used to get home before dark, and indulged in insanely long uni holidays. These days, I barely have time to keep up with all my hobbies, this blog included! When I get home I usually conk out straight away, so it’s no wonder I prefer to while away my short weekends doing absolutely nothing.

Anyway I’m hoping to fix this, because I truly wouldn’t have a life if I didn’t go out from time to time. A few weeks back I actually headed to Carriageworks in Redfern, a place I don’t usually frequent. If there’s something I’ll wake up early for on a Saturday it’s to check out art and food, so that’s exactly what I did!

Like most places, Sydney has its areas that are known for particular quirks. While I don’t frequent the inner west that often, a lot of people would describe it as hipster paradise. I wouldn’t call myself one by any means, but I still enjoyed checking out the Carriageworks Farmers Market, just taking in the atmosphere and all the things to see. People were selling everything from coffee to camembert, to gourmet honey and French sausages. And of course, there were plenty of adorable dogs in equally cute sweaters!


Tomato, basil and fetta atop a mixed seed bagel from Smoking Gun. As much as I adore bagels, I rarely eat them. Good ones are so hard to come by in Sydney, and I’m just a little intimidated by the prospect of making them myself!

I’m sorry, but as someone who has been eating pho for most of my life this made me chuckle a bit. Anyway, I really wish I took more photos capturing the atmosphere of the markets. Clearly I was too busy sampling cheese and other goodies!

Aaand the thing we really came for! Ryoji Ikeda’s micro | macro was a pretty cool exhibit being hosted in Carriageworks. Photos alone don’t do it justice, but it’s actually a fully-immersive artwork complete with sounds and graphics. Not to mention, it was created using data visualisation. I won’t lie, stepping into the room at first was a bit overwhelming with all the jarring sounds. I definitely don’t think it’d be suitable for those with photosensitive epilepsy, but I enjoyed it!


Like Child’s Play by Daniel Buren was also happening at the same time, and it was basically a room filled with shapes and blocks. Aka, the perfect place to muck around and take stupid photos like these. Not a bad way to spend a weekend, if I do say so myself!

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