out and about

a very sydney christmas

As weird as it probably seems to onlookers, celebrating Christmas in Australia really is something special. I mean, where else in the world do people sing about a white Christmas while it’s 30°C out, or where fresh seafood is essential for the perfect festive meal? That’s not to say we aren’t traditional at all, though! I love making a point of seeing the gorgeous decorations that deck out Sydney whenever this time of year rolls around, making the last stretch of Christmas shopping that tiny bit more bearable.



The QVB Christmas tree in all its glory! Even though it’s a longstanding tradition, I look forward to it every time. I’ve noticed they’ve changed it up this year, and instead of the usual sparkly tree trunk they’ve replaced it with tons of Swarovski crystals. Sooo pretty.

There were also some illuminations on at night, but with the sun setting so late nowadays I didn’t have time to see them. Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and holiday season in general! Until next time!