Luckily it happened to be a Friday, so we got to try out the food markets that are on every week. I went for the pork roll with coleslaw, apple sauce, gravy, and of course, that crackling to top it all off! It was really nice to kick back and enjoy the fresh air for a change.
I rarely visit the MCA since I never pass by the area, but since most exhibitions are free anyway we decided to pay a visit.
Mesmerising flashing lights that I could’ve watched all day. It’s probably hard to tell from the picture, but the light bulbs were inside seemingly ordinary plastic boxes.
My personal favourite, an elaborate tent-like structure that you could actually walk through! It totally brought back my childhood goals of owning a blanket fort. Actually I take that back, I’m still waiting on one to this day…
You know when you finally get a good photo of yourself and use it for everything? This’ll probably be my profile picture for the next three years or so. Anyway, I think a few of these installations ended just after I went, so I’ll definitely have to revisit soon!