So since my last post, quite a few things have passed – I finally got my HSC results (and can breathe a long-awaited sigh of relief), the world didn’t explode, I caught up with friends, etc etc. Anyway, this post is dedicated to Disneyland because I took a lot of photos there (over 500 to be honest with you)! My family went on our last full day in Hong Kong which wasn’t really ideal, but then again it was the only day forecast not to rain. Even though I’ve been to two Disneylands now it never gets old… in fact, I’m really hoping I can visit the others sometime in the near future!

The same balloons actually light up at night. This is a random thought, but I always thought it’d be so cool to live near a Disneyland! Think about it, if I were one of those schoolkids I could just drop by after school or whenever I felt like it…
Me looking kind of ratty in Main Street. Again, sorry about the picture overload and lack of commentary on this post… but anyway, I can’t believe it’s already Christmas Eve where I live. In that case I guess I’ll be wishing you a very merry Christmas, happy holidays, and I’ll see you all soon!