
hong kong part i

Bye Sydney! If you squint, you can spot the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House in the distance. So as of four days ago, I’m home from my trip to Hong Kong and Singapore. And while I was glad to finally sleep in my own bed again, I can honestly say that the short trip was worth it! Recently I’d been feeling cooped up in Sydney, and really wanted the chance to escape for a bit (even if it just meant shopping, eating and sightseeing for ten days straight)…  To be honest, it’s taken me ages to compile a post because of the sheer number of photos I’ve accumulated, so sorry if these travel entries are a bit long-winded. Anyway, enough rambling and moving on with it:

Transiting between Changi Airport and Hong Kong. That laksa was actually quite nice and made the wait a tiny bit more bearable…

My feeble attempt at navigation. Thank goodness for the MTR railway system though, it makes getting around a million times easier.

Shrimp balls and egg waffles. I’m already missing the street food vendors over there… so convenient yet so delicious gahh.

Walking around Mong Kok. Ladies Market is pretty touristy, but fun to experience just for kicks. I much preferred shopping at Langham Place Mall (not pictured) where they have H&M and Monki. I may have gone a tad crazy there just because we’re deprived of everything in Australia…

So many different Instax films in one place! Sadly, I didn’t get the chance to pass that shop again so I came home empty-handed. Shame because I’ve been on the look out for an Instax 210 camera, but I guess I can always search for one of those on eBay.

Christmas! Christmas everywhere!! I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that everything is better during the holiday season…

Times Square in Causeway Bay. I lost count of how many times we visited Sasa during our trip, since there’s probably one on every block in Hong Kong. Plus it doesn’t help that it’s so damn tempting (not to mention cheaper than Australia for most brands)!

It’s beyond me why my parents wanted to eat Vietnamese food in Hong Kong, but whatever…

Yeah, I think I enjoyed those Lego installations a little too much for someone my age… still, you have to admit that they’re pretty impressive!

Starbucks mocha praline that wasn’t all that nice (I knew I should’ve just gotten hot chocolate)… But hey, they have special drinking straws for hot drinks here! I’m not sure if it’s just a thing in Asia or I’ve been drinking at the wrong coffee shops my entire life.

In Miramar Shopping Centre. We went purely because my mum decided that we needed to stock up on clothes from Uniqlo before we left… but really, who can blame her? Hopefully the rumors about it opening in Sydney soon turn out to be true!

No idea what these are but aren’t they adorable?! I’m not usually fond of pastries but just the smell wafting out of those bakeries was amazing…

Ferrero Rocher Christmas tree near i-Square. Admittedly, I would’ve liked it better if it was made out of real chocolates…

A bit random, but I loved the interior of this shopping centre! If you haven’t already noticed, there are a billion malls to choose from in Hong Kong.

Again with the pho, hah! Let me know guys, are these extra long posts annoying to read? Just asking out of curiosity, because I realise that it probably would’ve taken a lot of scrolling to get to the end of this post… Anyway, thanks again for reading and I’ll be posting part two soon!