
1. Delicious madeleines my mum baked  2. Some guy was drawing this on Pitt Street! Too bad it rained and the next time I went it disappeared  3 & 4. Tokusen ribeye steak from Pepper Lunch  5. My shoesies

Just some random shots I took over the past week! I’m not one of those people who take hundreds of pictures at a time, so that sort of makes picking photos harder… Anyway, school starts pretty soon and I am really not pumped. Usually I would go through the whole shebang of buying new stationery, supplies and bags but this year I’m just so lazy! I’ve really got to get my mojo back, or maybe I’m just too old to get excited about going back to school anymore.
By the way, happy Australia Day guys! Never mind that if you’re not Australian, but hopefully everyone’s celebrating on this… extremely cloudy day, in Sydney anyway. Nevertheless, have a nice public holiday!