So, today I ventured to the State Library with Carmen since renovations start tomorrow. And since I’d never been to Pancakes on the Rocks, we ate there and I think my stomach could’ve exploded with the goodness (too much of it!). We also went into random stores, obviously didn’t buy anything… but we found Tim Walker’s ‘Pictures’ in Kinokuniya, and it’s so beautiful *0* I’ve decided my cofee table won’t be complete until I buy it. Not that I even own a coffee table…
Oh, when I got home my parents told me they’re keeping this bird! I can already tell it’ll be spoilt, right now we’re keeping it indoors with the heater and everything. And yet, my cousins leave their budgie outside and it’s lived for more than ten years… HAHA. Anyway, my dad decided to call it Aussie without asking. I, for one, think it’s a lame name. But oh well. At least he didn’t name me that…